Nails, nails, nails.

Wow. So this is my first nail-related blog. Since I'm just getting started I thought my first blog post should be on how this all started, a thank you to a special friend is due...

I've been addicted to nail varnish for about two years now. But I have to say, I wouldn't be nearly as into nail art as I am now if it weren't for my friend Julia, or as you may know her nailartinc. We became friends on twitter, we found each other due to Chelsea FC and specifically: because we both think Fernando Torres is gorgeous! After getting to know each other, we found we have another thing in common... we're both nail addicts! 

We started talking and we became each other's first nail mail buddies! We send each other nail varnish packages three times a year, and so far we've done this 6 times. She's a lot better than I am at nail art, but we've both improved so much on how we used to be. Practice really does make perfect. Her nails always inspire me though, and I always copy her designs! She doesn't seem to mind, luckily for me. She's a really great friend though, even though she's from Germany and I've never met her- but she always encourages me to try new things and always compliments/likes my designs! She also encouraged me to start this blog- and it's going to be a cool hobby! So thank you Julia! :D 

Anyway, so this is me and here's a summary of some of the designs I've done before...
And this is me being the weirdo I am.
Some of my nail designs so far in 2013!

My name is Beth, I live in London, England and I'm 16 years old. I'm right handed, uncreative and a little odd. My favourite colour is blue and my interests are nail varnish, football (specifically Chelsea Football Club) and sleeping. I'm a nail art addict- shoot me. ;)

See you soon!

Lots of love, Beth


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My name's Beth, I'm 16 and live in London, England. :D

I am an amateur nail art addict! I'm not very good yet, but practice makes perfect and I can't wait until I get as good as some of my friends are. I'm not always clean and precise, but I really enjoy doing my nails and I always try my hardest. :D
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